Landlord & Tenant Disputes / Schedule of Dilapidations

Landlord & Tenant Disputes / Schedule of Dilapidations 2017-10-02T14:42:13+00:00

Landlords and tenants disputes are common place and often relate to the state of repair of leasehold premises. Repairs in this context are usually referred to as ‘dilapidations’.

We provide advice to Landlords of commercial buildings in respect of repair issues both during the currency of leases and the end in order to maintain asset value. At the end of a lease we can advise on any disrepair issues and prepare terminal schedules of dilapidations, monitor any repairs or negotiate settlements between landlord and tenant disputes.

We also act for tenants in settling dilapidations, where required supervising repairs, ensuring that the tenant does not inherit unnecessary liability for repair.

Schedule of Condition is prepared for Tenants at the start of the tenancy to ensure that a record of the condition of the property is noted. A Schedule of Condition involves an inspection of the property to identify existing defects in the building. These details are recorded in writing and supported by photographs. The purpose of a Schedule of Condition is to protect the Tenant who is required to return the building to the Landlord in the same condition as when they entered the lease from future dilapidation claims.